Mortal kombat x story
Mortal kombat x story

mortal kombat x story

Shaolin, S.F, Shirai ryu and Element bender togather" Jonny says smiling slightly."for your teams first mission your going to the Lin Kuei Temple. Everybody smiles at Takeda's comment then "as the secretary pointed out, us older folks will have to retire someday so it's time for your genaretion to step up. "I am glad the shirai ryu choose me to join, New faces." Takeda says smiling towards (y/n) while looking at her making her smile behind her mask which Takeda took a notice of and only grinned wider happy to see (y/n) smile or feel her smiling. "He was smart enough to have mister cage put this team togather." Jacqui says smiling. Secretary Blake says he is pleased with our progress" he says smiling while (y/n) only nods withought a word."you could spit in his hair and he'd be "pleased at our progress" Kung Jin says in a sarcastic way making (y/n) chuckle at his comment making Jin look at her and smirk.

mortal kombat x story

Today is our team's six week anniversary. Judging from the lack of gift cards unlike (y/n) who kept track of time. Your beautiful and unique snow flakes!" Jonny says making (y/n) stifle her laughter behind her mask which Jonny took a notice and smiled then " I am sure your unaware. Takeda and I both, stuff that would blow ur special forces mind." (Y/n) only rolls her eyes behind the mask she was wearing which was hiding her face from them then Cassie turns towards Jin and was about to say fuck u before her father interapted her "At ease! Your all here bc u deserve to be here. Then Kung Jin replayed to Jacqui with an Arrogant tune "I've seen plenty of action. Shoalin monks even sent u there, Jin?" She asks Jin with a smile on her face. Did we, Jacqui?".Then Jacqui replays to Cassie by saying "Nope" she says popping the p before continuing "we didn't. Cassie smirks slightly at what (y/n) said to Jin then Cassie said "we didn't need a halo in durfur or Iran or Kurdistan. On his right side (y/n) could be seen sitting down quietly not saying anything but after What Jin and Takeda said "Jin I think it's the best if u stop annoying Cassie with ur words" she says with her soft and emotionless voice.

mortal kombat x story

"Raiden told me later told me that I am descended from some Mediterranean war cult 'Bred as worriers for the gods' "I be never been able to re-summon the green halo again, Raiden said that it was triggered when I saw a loved one almost about to die" Jonny says sitting down on the table near the control system were his daughter sitting on a chair facing the computer of the giant chopper or alien ship lookalike then Kung Jin who was sitting on a one sit couch connected to the chopper behind Cassie's chair said in a teasing tune "what about u Cassie? Can u summer anything like that? or did it skip a genaretion?" Cassie only rolls her eyes with an annoyed look on her face which Jin can't see due to her facing away from him "Take it easy, Jin" says Takeda looking towards Jin while Jin only homphs and turns away from him. No once pov: (20 year later after Jonny beats Shinnok's sorry ass) Author note: (warning spoiler and bad words ahead!!) I won't really go long on the explanations so I will starts after the chapter were Jonny Cage beats Shinnok's little ass and Raiden seals him away then after twenty years later Jonny and Sonya (his wife) already split but they had a daughter Cassandra cage who is like maybe 20-22 years old along with her friends Jacqueline Briggs who is the same age as her and two young man one named Kung Jin the other one named Takahashi Takeda who are older then them by two years and older then reader chan by a year and they are a team that was created by Jonny Cage or Cassandra's father so yeah hope u enjoy today's chapter ) oh and u can choose any of those assassion creeds hoodie/armor u want cuz u will be wearing one of them with a mask which I will show u in the next chapter :P )

Mortal kombat x story